Sunday, April 24, 2011

Board Meeting Minutes

KCS PTO Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

7:00PM, Lipoa campus

• Board Members:


Marion Haller (president), Carey Owen (treasurer), Liza Pierce (chair membership), Stephen Gera (chair volunteer coordinator),


Brian Therrell (chair fundraising), Connie Therrell (corresponding secretary), Theresa Nunan (vice-president), Stephanie Hessemer, Recording Secretary

Other’s present

Meeting opened: 7:10pm

• Proceedings:

Motion: Minutes of last meeting approved: Motion made: Carey Owen; seconded Liza Pierce, unanimous approval.

  1. New Business
    1. Membership: Liz wants to set up a website. Cost will be $10 to register a name and $5 a month for hosting.

Motion: To approve $75 a year for Liza to pay for web name and hosting: Motion made by Marion Haller, seconded Carey Owen, unanimously approved.

A discussion was held regarding the election of officers vis-à-vis membership drive. It was agreed that electing new officers in the Spring so that a new board can hit the ground running in July, is the best course and is what was intended when the Bylaws were written. A new membership drive can be undertaken now as we encourage members to attend the next meeting and election.

    1. General Membership meeting to be held 5/17. Election for new officers.

Email existing members

Email to school

Application and Information into info July.

Motion: To amend the above motion and approve and additional $175 for printing of envelopes with information for handing out in packets and placing with drop-boxes. Total funds approved: $250. Motion made by Marion Haller, seconded Carey Owen, unanimous approval.

    1. Sports Program. A discussion was held about the fact that we are now in April and no closer to having a sports program. In the mean time, existing sports need support and volunteers, and we’re not there. The High School MIL track meets are a great example. We can be providing uniforms, and coolers with water for every event. This would be a great support to existing programs rather than inventing something new for which we do not seem to have the volunteers.

We discussed how we could let coaches know and how we could learn about the sports programs.

NOTE. After the meeting Marion emailed Scarlett DeShong’s great work on Shark Notes and Shark Bites to everyone. This demonstrates that sports programs are ongoing.

A subsequent call for volunteers for the MIL Track Meets has gone out.

    1. Peggy Temple’s request for volunteers for the Book Fair was discussed. Steve agreed to call a few people on the membership list who offered to volunteer to see if they could help.
    1. Preparation for next Fall’s Casino Night: Marion to ask Dave Hessemer more info about the Ocean Center.

In the mean time, it was agreed that with Bocalino’s restaurant location opening up under new management soon, we should talk with them before wander too far afield.

Meeting Adjourned 8:10 pm.

Next meeting May 17th. Election.

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