Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Here's The Latest News So Far ...

KCS PTO Board Meeting Minutes *

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

7:00PM Lipoa campus

• Board Members:


Marion Haller (president), Theresa Nunan (vice-president), Carey Owen (treasurer), Liza Pierce (chair membership), Kehaulani Rand (co-chair volunteer), Stephanie Hessemer (recording secretary), Stephen Gera (chair volunteer coordinator), Brian Therrell (chair fundraising), Gene Zarro


Kehaulani Rand (co-chair volunteer),

Other’s present

Scarlett DeShong, Connie Therrell, Kelly Shimabukuro, M.J. Bennett, Elisa Plauche

Quarum present? Yes


Treasurer’s Report (Carey Owen)

Las Vegas Night generated $7,417 in income

$2,350 expenses

Membership dues received $ 833

Total In Bank $5,900

Membership update (Liza Pierce)

- 110 total members

- Blog created in addition to Facebook Page –

- Forming committee to encourage membership

- Will sort membership chart according to volunteer interest

Fundraising Report

- Marion recognized exceptional contributors to fundraising event. Leis were given for "mahalo".

- Photos of the Las Vegas on Maui Event posted on Facebook. Click here

New Business

• Suggestions of what to do with funds raised….

- Keep $1,500 in reserves and use $4,000

- Use it toward after school enrichment programs

- Supplies for high school painting club

- Instruments program led by Todd Schultz

(buy ukuleles for school; get support for Todd)

- Have high school robotics students start club for middle schoolers

- More dances – start with high school

- Financial incentives for coaches

- Create survey for kids regarding sports programs

- Ask teachers what their needs are

- Computer keyboarding class for middle school students

• Discussion of existing enrichment programs…

- Dance – barter with SMLO for 4-5 hours of instruction in exchange for space

- Drama – Vicky Nelson for high school (Tues. 3-5p)

Christy Scott for middle school (Thurs. 3-5p)

- Instruments– Todd Schulz (KCS math teacher) – Wed.

- Painting – Amanda Worth – high school

- Art Club – Tues for middle school

- Engineering Club – Robotics/Aeronotics (Ms. Temple at middle school)

- Gardening Club – Mr. Thallman

- Robotics Club – high school

• Other Fundraising Ideas

- Generate $5,000 for sporting programs

- Drive-in movie night in middle school parking lot

- Kihei Charter night at Flatbread

- Sell something at the statewide track meet

• Next Steps

- Scarlett DeShong to head committee for high school sports and enrichment

Idea: Winter Wonderland Dance in January

- Theresa and Marion to work on survey to ask kids what they want

and ask teachers what their needs are

- Elisa Plauche will call Flatread

- Stephanie to look into First Lego League for middle school

- Gene to facilitate meeting with music teacher (Todd) and Connie Therrell

Other Business

- Ask Phil to include meeting notices on school website

- Looking for corresponding secretary to handle communications

- March and April Hosting State Track Meet (need volunteers)

- December 13-17 Exhibition Night (** will encourage more parents to join KCS-PTO. Goal is 100% participation :)

- Next meeting: December 7th at 7:00pm

* Liza added some notes to the original minutes. Like the ones below:

** KCS-PTO in the process of sorting out the volunteer sign up sheet via the membership form. Thank you to all who have said that you are willing to volunteer. We will contact you soon.

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