Monday, May 9, 2011


Win by helping our kids!

Win by supporting the PTO!

Kihei Charter Support Ohana

Parent Teacher Organization

Is having our

General Membership Meeting

Tuesday May 17th

7:00 pm

Lipoa Middle School Campus

(located at the Lipoa Center)

Come check out the parent/teacher ohana!

Help decide how we can support our kids

and our school community.

Elections will be held for next year’s Board.

Get involved if you can or just lend your support.


Check us out at and become a fan on

FaceBook at

~ AND ~

*** JOIN the KCSO ***

And you could win a snorkel sail trip for 4!

You can join right at the meeting

And your membership will make you

Eligible for the drawing.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Board Meeting Minutes

KCS PTO Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

7:00PM, Lipoa campus

• Board Members:


Marion Haller (president), Carey Owen (treasurer), Liza Pierce (chair membership), Stephen Gera (chair volunteer coordinator),


Brian Therrell (chair fundraising), Connie Therrell (corresponding secretary), Theresa Nunan (vice-president), Stephanie Hessemer, Recording Secretary

Other’s present

Meeting opened: 7:10pm

• Proceedings:

Motion: Minutes of last meeting approved: Motion made: Carey Owen; seconded Liza Pierce, unanimous approval.

  1. New Business
    1. Membership: Liz wants to set up a website. Cost will be $10 to register a name and $5 a month for hosting.

Motion: To approve $75 a year for Liza to pay for web name and hosting: Motion made by Marion Haller, seconded Carey Owen, unanimously approved.

A discussion was held regarding the election of officers vis-à-vis membership drive. It was agreed that electing new officers in the Spring so that a new board can hit the ground running in July, is the best course and is what was intended when the Bylaws were written. A new membership drive can be undertaken now as we encourage members to attend the next meeting and election.

    1. General Membership meeting to be held 5/17. Election for new officers.

Email existing members

Email to school

Application and Information into info July.

Motion: To amend the above motion and approve and additional $175 for printing of envelopes with information for handing out in packets and placing with drop-boxes. Total funds approved: $250. Motion made by Marion Haller, seconded Carey Owen, unanimous approval.

    1. Sports Program. A discussion was held about the fact that we are now in April and no closer to having a sports program. In the mean time, existing sports need support and volunteers, and we’re not there. The High School MIL track meets are a great example. We can be providing uniforms, and coolers with water for every event. This would be a great support to existing programs rather than inventing something new for which we do not seem to have the volunteers.

We discussed how we could let coaches know and how we could learn about the sports programs.

NOTE. After the meeting Marion emailed Scarlett DeShong’s great work on Shark Notes and Shark Bites to everyone. This demonstrates that sports programs are ongoing.

A subsequent call for volunteers for the MIL Track Meets has gone out.

    1. Peggy Temple’s request for volunteers for the Book Fair was discussed. Steve agreed to call a few people on the membership list who offered to volunteer to see if they could help.
    1. Preparation for next Fall’s Casino Night: Marion to ask Dave Hessemer more info about the Ocean Center.

In the mean time, it was agreed that with Bocalino’s restaurant location opening up under new management soon, we should talk with them before wander too far afield.

Meeting Adjourned 8:10 pm.

Next meeting May 17th. Election.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

KCS PTO Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

7:00PM, Lipoa campus

• Board Members:


Marion Haller (president), Theresa Nunan (vice-president), Carey Owen (treasurer), Liza Pierce (chair membership), Stephen Gera (chair volunteer coordinator), David Hessemer (filling in for Stephanie Hessemer, recording secretary)


Brian Therrell (chair fundraising), Connie Therrell (corresponding secretary)

Other’s present

Scarlett DeShong, Marlene Shae

• Proceedings:

Minutes of last meeting approved

New Business

  1. Casino Night:
    1. Suggestion to get Kehau to help out again
    2. Suggested locations: Kamehameha Club House; Maui Ocean Center
    3. Suggested dates: before October break
  2. Dances:
    1. Students want more
    2. Successful: raised approximately $300 last time
  3. Elections and Membership:
    1. Discussion about changing elections to the beginning of the school year instead of May as stated in bylaws
    2. Discussion about postponing membership drive to the beginning of the school year so that parents can get membership info with school packets
    3. Suggestion to make membership drive a class competition
  4. Logo for PTO: suggestion to make it a school contest
  5. Discussion about Adventure Programs:
    1. Middle School: suggestion for 3-4 week program introducing 3-4 sports
    2. High School: support 3 MIL sports – riflery, archery, paddling
    3. Bill Stoud to call owner of shooting range in Haliimaile
    4. Scarlett and Theresa looking into the NRA grant to get funding for a riflery program
    5. Marion to discuss with board
  6. High School Track Meet:

Marion to get clarification from Gene on what help they need

    1. Motion to purchase t-shirts for both the middle school and high school track teams - Passed unanimously.

Other Business

- Next meeting: Tuesday 4/5/11 at 7:00pm

- Meeting adjourned: 8:30pm

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Our next Board Meeting is Tues. March 08, 7 p.m. @ the middle school campus on Lipoa St.

February Board Meeting Minutes

KCS PTO Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

7:00PM Lipoa campus

• Board Members:


Marion Haller (president), Theresa Nunan (vice-president), Carey Owen (treasurer), Stephanie Hessemer (recording secretary), Connie Therrell (corresponding secretary), Stephen Gera (chair volunteer coordinator)


Liza Pierce (chair membership), Brian Therrell (chair fundraising), Kehaulani Rand (co-chair volunteer)

Other’s present

Terri Krupp, Scarlett DeShong, Debbie Guimond

Quarum present?


• Proceedings:

Treasurer’s Report (Carey Owen)

Current Bank Balance $5,310

Graduation Funds (held) ($ 550-)

Reserve Account ($1,500-)

Total Available Funds $3,260

New Business

1. By Laws –

Marion Haller brought to our attention that the current bylaws state that General Membership Meetings will take place every other month or may be “changed as deemed necessary”. We will only have three General Membership meetings per year, but it was agreed that there is no need to change the bylaws because the clause “changed as deemed necessary” covers it.

Marion Haller also proposed that we amend the current bylaws as follows:

Current Bylaw: a voting topic must be proposed and discussed at one meeting and then voted on at the next

Proposed Change: propose issue, discuss issue, and vote all in the same meeting.

Motion was made, seconded, and unanimously passed.

2. Survey Update – Theresa Nunan

- Good student response

- Strongest results -

Middle School: Archery; Robotics; Sports

High School: Riflery; Sports; Art; Paddling

Both Schools: Adventure Club/Training

- Discussion of hiring a coordinator/facilitator to oversee Adventure Club

- Carrie to talk to Dave Hanley

- Steph to talk to Navy Seal friend

- Marion to call Gene to find out about possible parent interest

- Funding: Debbie Guimond has foundation in Kihei for at risk teens – can help

- To be mentioned on newsbrief to see if there is any interest in being an advisor

- Steph to e-mail group in attendance to share findings

3. School Dances – Scarlett DeShong

High School: great success

Prom: coming in May

Budget of dances: $425

Middle School: coming up on 2/11

Budget of dances: $225

4. Casino Night 2011 (fall)

  • Need project chair person
  • Need venue
  • Need volunteers/committee

5. Fundraising Presentation – Terry Krupp

  • cell phone renewals through school’s account – school gets percentage
  • videophones – global connections
  • link to school’s own ACN website to promote to parents etc.
  • to be placed on next month’s agenda to see how it would work for school
  • Terry to research how much money other organizations have made

6. School Website

  • Why is Shark Bites not up on home page
  • No phone number
  • Hard to navigate
  • High school seniors to take on webmaster duties?
  • To be placed on next month’s agenda

Other Business

- Next meeting: Wednesday 3/8/11 at 7:00pm

Friday, February 11, 2011

The KCS-PTO News Brief....

Coming to you regularly with updates, news and the latest events from

the Kihei Charter School Parent Teacher Organization.

Our next General Membership Meeting – Tuesday, March 08, 7pm at the Lipoa
Middle School Campus 6th Grade Building

Join us while we work to grow in support of Kihei Charter School.

The change in bylaws will be up for vote. Please attend.

Volunteer needed for Activities Coordinator for an adventure activities club.
A fun, interesting & exciting club! Interested? Find out more at the next
meeting on March 8. You may contact us via email

Las Vegas On Maui! A big success last fall, so lets have some more fun ....

Volunteers needed to find this year's venue and coordinate the event. If you
want to help, let us know.

FOODLAND fundraiser - matching Maika`i points February 9th - March 16th, 2011.
SIgn up at Foodland.

Market your Business in Kihei Charter Middle School Yearbook! Your ad will
also be posted on the KCS webpage. Contact Kihei Charter TEAMS front desk
at (808) 270-4912 or

Volunteer Opportunties:

-Help develop an after-school enrichment programs

-Help coordinate community fund raising opportunities

-Help the PTO with the Las Vegas night - this year's committee forming now

-Help lead after school clubs and activities

-Help Mrs. Temple with the book fairs and the Library at the Middle School

Know what's happening!

See the Kihei Charter High School Shark Notes weekly at on the
"Students and Parents" tab, "Events" menu, then select "High School."

See the Kihei Charter Middle School Shark Bites weekly at on
the "Students and Parents" tab, "Events" menu, then select "Teams."

If you know someone who wants to become a member of our PTO and receive these
newsbriefs, there are membership forms and boxes at both campus offices or they
can email Liza Pierce at

KCS-PTO; Kihei Charter School-Parent Teacher Organization

contact us via email at [1]

or check us out on Facebook at Kihei Charter Support Ohana

Marion Haller, President, 250-8553

Tonight is the Middle School dance 6:30 0 8:30!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Kihei Charter Support Ohana Tuesday Feb. 08 is "Dessert Night" KCS-PTO meeting! Help the PTO help Kihei Charter School and enjoy some sweet treats too! 7 pm - Middle School Campus on Lipoa St.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Kihei Charter Support Ohana

*KCS-PTO Dessert Night, Tues, Feb 8th 7:00 pm;
*we need chaperones for KCS dances on Feb 4 & 11th;
*Keep up to date with Shark Notes and Shark Bites on;
*FOODLAND fundraiser - matching Maika`i points February 9th - March 16th, 2011. SIgn up at Foodland.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Meeting Minutes January 11, 2011

KCS PTO Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday January 11, 2010

7:00PM Lipoa campus

• Board Members: Present

Marion Haller (president), Stephen Gera (chair volunteer coordinator), Carey Owen (treasurer), Liza Pierce (chair membership), Connie Therell (Corresponding Secretary)


Kehaulani Rand (co-chair volunteer), Stephanie Hessemer (recording secretary), Theresa Nunan (vice-president), Brian Therrell (chair fundraising), Gene Zarro,

Other’s present

Scarlett DeShong

  1. Meeting called to order: 7:05pm
  2. Membership Up-date: Liza Pierce; we have 110 members, the same as last report. Liza provided the sign up forms that still needed to be entered to Marion who said she would complete the data entry.
  3. Finance: Carey reported that we have $5,460 in the bank which includes the $550 Graduation Grant leaving us a total of $4910. We have agreed to leave $1500 for future programs, so that gives us $3400 to spend.
  4. Next Meeting: General Membership (GM) Meeting: As per our bylaws, we must have a general membership meeting next. We agreed to hold a Dessert Night. Marion to use the Safeway card (leftover from silent auction) to buy desserts and coffee from starbucks. Topics for the meeting:
    1. Support Program survey results and what programs to support
    2. Change of By-laws:
      1. Change the number of required General Membership meetings: currently the bylaws call for every other month to be a GMM. It is suggested this be changed to 3 per year with the board’s discretion to hold more.
      2. Changing of the By-laws: currently changes must be announced to the GM and presented at one GM meeting, and then voted on by the GM at the next GM meeting. It is proposed to change this to: Announcing the proposed change to the GM, and at the next board meeting a unanimous vote by all board members can ratify the change (votes can be cast by email within 24 hours prior to the meeting). If the Board is not unanimous then the vote goes to the GM at the next GM meeting.
  5. Support Programs
    1. Survey: Theresa Nunan let us know that she expected survey results back by the end of the week. She hoped that we would wait with any decisions until the next meeting. We agreed to wait and to use the GM meeting to discuss the results. In the mean time, we would proceed with supporting the dance discussed at the last meeting.
    2. Dances
      1. HS-Scarlett has met with the HS student council and they agreed on a Red Tie Affair dance on February 4th. She would like to book a dj which will cost around $300 to $350 She also need money for decorations. She asked for $500. She needs chaperones and a police officer for help.
      2. Discussion was held to hold a dance for the middle school as well. It would be great to do that on Feb. 11th for them. (Follow-up results: Marion spoke with Paul Thallman who had been thinking of doing a dance. He is happy to have the PTO’s involvement and was quite stunned actually. He was not expecting to have a dj, but said sure that it would be great. He will probably have pizza and drinks and will change $5 for entry including a slice and a drink. He is raising funds for the garden, for a trip to the Big Island and for a water well that the school is helping to fund in Africa. About 60-100 kids show, and no more than 2 hours or it gets out of hand. Plans to be coordinated with him and copy to Dan Kuhar.)
      3. It was suggested that Scarlett find out if the dj would charge less if doing it for two dances.
    3. Sports: It was agreed that we really want to support sports programs. While we await the survey results, we want to note this for future discussion. Connie will also ask Brian to provide a quote for sports shirts.
  6. Communications:
    1. We need to send out a News Brief to announce the next GM meeting, the changing of the bylaws, Dances, Foodland fundraiser, and to check Shart Notes on the website.
    2. Scarlett has set up Shark Notes with Phil which lists weekly events at the HS. Marion to ask Ryn if she could provide Scarlett with weekly MS events to be added into it’s own MS section.
    3. THANK YOU Scarlett for getting this done.
  7. Fundraising programs: Marion presented two fundraising opportunities that had been presented to her. She suggested we consider coordinating these programs for the school, not just the PTO, as they would require full school involvement.
    1. Discount Cards. This is a credit card for which people pay $10. For that they get a 10% discount at up to 30 retailers and restaurants. Kamalii School or Lokelani had done this. The students would have to do the selling. It was agreed that we would do it and Marion to ask Mark.
    2. The program would offer programs such as phone contracts through a reseller who then shares profit with the school. This is a program that is slower and longer lasting as it involves long-term contracts (i.e. cell phone). Marion to ask Mark
    3. RESPONSE: Marion attended the KCS Board meeting the next night and presented these two ideas. It was generally agreed that the discount card program is not seen favorably for numerous reasons. The second program can be done with regular up-dates and is feasible. Marion will ask that person (a mom at the school) to come to the next meeting to present the program.
  8. Next Meeting: Feb. 8, 7pm. Meeting Adjourned 8:12pm

Sunday, January 16, 2011


DESSERT NIGHT - General Membership Meeting – Tuesday, February 08, 7pm at the Lipoa Middle School Campus 6th Grade Building

Enjoy dessert with some coffee or tea while we work to grow in support of Kihei Charter School.

The survey results are in! We will be discussing how, when and what types of programs to implement to support our students. Come and help us, and get involved.

Learn about ways to help or volunteer, meet other members, and make a difference.

Heart your calendars

A Red Tie Affair, Valentine's Dance for Kihei Charter High School Friday February 04, 2011.

Kihei Charter Middle School Valentine's Dance Friday, February 11, 2011.

Check out our facebook page for updates and for the latest school information. Remember to click on Shark Notes for a weekly calendar of events.