Friday, December 10, 2010

KCS TEAMS - Next Week


TEAMS Parents / Guardians:
I just wanted to send a friendly reminder of the three very important KCS TEAMS's events happening next week.
Please see the below description of these events:
1) HSA Testing: Please help us ensure that your student is on time, in the correct location, and ready to test.
Monday and Wednesday 8th graders will be testing from 8-11am at the KCS High School Campus
Tuesday and Thursday 7th graders will be testing from 8-11am at our TEAMS Middle School Campus
2) Evening Exhibitions: Monday - Thursday, from 6:30 - 8pm
Our students have a lot of learning to present / show off, so please plan on attending as many of the evening sessions as you are able to. Our students deserve and audience. Thank you.
3) Student Led Conferences: If you have not yet scheduled your SLC, with your students advisor, please do so ASAP.
Thank you for your support in all of these important events. I look forward to seeing you next week.
Dan Kuhar
TEAMS Site Administrator
Kihei Charter School
808-344-6366 cell
808-874-6745 fax