Friday, October 15, 2010

It Takes A Village To Raise A Child and To Raise Some Funds - and We Need Your Help

We've heard the saying "it takes a village to raise a child". To that we would like to add "it takes a village to raise some funds" (for the school, that helps raise the child, that is).

As you have been already informed, we are working on a fundraiser for the school. It's called "Las Vegas On Maui". It is going to be a lot of fun. But to make it happen we need your support. There are many ways you can support this endeavor:

1. TICKET PURCHASE AND SALES - We hope very much that you are planning to attend. With "free babysitting*" included in the ticket purchase (see previous post for details*), this is a great opportunity for "date night". Aside from date night, it's also a great event to go for a "Girls Night Out" (GNO) or "Boyz Poker Night". Ticket is $45 each - what a great deal for loads of fun!

So, not only can we purchase the tickets, it also be great if you can help sell the tickets to your family and friends. We assure you it's going to be fun! The food is delicious and the "casino game" fun! Monte Carlo Entertainment who is helping host this game along with KCS-PTO has been doing this for years here on Maui and all who had attended says they had a fantastic time!

Tickets can be purchased at:
2) Purchase at the school - available at the front desk of Middle School and High School.

2. DONATE ITEMS FOR SILENT AUCTION - Please help by donating an item or service for the silent auction. It can be from you, your business or workplace, or from someone you know who are willing to support our school. Let us know if you can donate something and call Lisa by the end of the week at 808-269-6065. The donations are tax-dedectable as KCS-PTO is under the umbrella of a non-profit organization "South Maui Learning Ohana". Lisa has a copy of the solicitation letter ready for you to use if you need one.

I peeked through the list of items that are confirmed donated for the auction and it's very encouraging. So far there are gift certificates from Ulalena, Old Lahaina Luau, Four Seasons Dou Restaurant, Warren and Annabelle show certificate, Golf at Wailea Blue Course .... and there are many more. We look forward for more to come. We will do a blog post on the list of items donated and who donated them and will link back to the websites of these businesses. In appreciation of your/their support, we will do a shout-out to promote the businesses who helps us.

3. VOLUNTEER BEFORE AND DURING - if you are willing to volunteer before or during the event for an hour or so (email Kehau: We promise it won't be long or difficult.

For questions please e-mail us at or you may leave a comment on this blog.

Help us make this a great party and a successful fundraiser.

Kehau, Liza, Lisa, Carey, Theresa, Stephanie, Marion and Steve
Your PTO Fundraiser Team

*ages 5-11 - movie night at KCS

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Kihei Charter School PTO invites all to “Las Vegas On Maui"

Kihei Charter School, with over 500 students, has had its State funding cut by over 20% in the past 2 years. The after-school program has been gutted.

The newly formed Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is taking on the challenge of implementing an outstanding after school enrichment program. To raise the funds to accomplish that, they’re inviting the community to participate in Las Vegas On Maui; an evening of gambling, food, music and fun.

The event is going to take place at Bocalino Bistro and Sushi Bar on Saturday October 23rd from 6-10 pm. Tickets are only $45 per person. Included in the ticket price are an abundance of delicious hors d’oeuvres, gambling for fun, music and great ambiance. There will be a no-host bar, and even some desserts. There will also be a silent auction giving everyone a great opportunity to do some holiday shopping right at the party.

New to this type of event, the PTO is offering a free supervised movie night for kids ages 5-11 for parents who want to attend but need help with the babysitting. Check the facebook page for more details, or call 357-7888.

The PTO is planning to hold Las Vegas On Maui annually, and picked this time of year to not compete with the many fundraisers held in Spring. They encourage everyone to attend and have an affordable night out on the town. To buy tickets or get more information, go to the facebook page: Las Vegas On Maui Fundraiser, or either Kihei Charter School campus.